Friday, July 31, 2009

Zoo School

JC and I have been attending the "Animal Adventure Club" at Lowry Park Zoo this summer. It's a class available to 3-5 year olds and their parents. Each week we learn about a new animal, listen to a story about the animal, do a coloring page and a craft, and when possible we get a close-up look at the animal or a substitute (this week we got to see an owl instead of a penguin, and the day that we studied caterpillars we got to see a Giant African Millipede instead).
After the class, everyone gets to go to the zoo (seperate from the Zoo School) to see the animals of the week. At that point we usually seperate and stay at the zoo for a while, exploring other things, having snacks, riding rides, etc.. It's a good two hour drive from where we live, but we have family there and some weeks we spend the night. Even on weeks that we don't, it's been worth the drive and we've had a ton of fun. I FINALLY got a few pictures yesterday before the rain set in . . .
*Photos are in reverse order. I'm still learning over here.
You can start at the bottom and work your way up if you'd like. :) *

Waterfalls inside Zoo entrance

Tot Playground at the Zoo School

We had class outside this morning

Got to see a beautiful owl

Emperor Penguins are bigger than Little Men! :)

This is where we normally gather for class

Our Penguin craft, made w/ potato stamps :)

The other half of the classroom

The walk to the Zoo School from the back lot. LOVE the trees . . .


  1. Yeah, photos!! It sure sounds like a lot of fun. Too bad I don't have anyone in the 3-5 category! I have heard that zoo is awesome, I would love to take my kids.

  2. gorgeous pix
    the litttle man sure has a fun life
    howz his tummy

  3. Robin - Say the word and we can try it together. We have family passes, so I can get two of you in for free. :)

    K - If all I ever give him is a little joy for life, I'll have given him my best. <3
